Tag Archives: law

Mission: Keep It Simple

It’s only a dark secret to those who close their eyes. I’ve had a few ask me how to discern their mission in accordance to what I teach here. It’s not that hard. Keep in mind that I’ve often said … Continue reading

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The Stink of Hell Nearby

What we know of the Spirit Realm cannot be stated in literal terms. Jesus taught in parables because all truly spiritual teaching is of necessity parabolic. The logic and the language is symbolic, not analytical and descriptive. I have no … Continue reading

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Living Law

Most people get God’s Laws all wrong. It’s not that they can’t understand the words, and to some degree the higher concepts, but they insist on seeing “law” as some reflection of what our society has done with the concept. … Continue reading

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Will to Resistance

My religion is not goal-oriented. The whole thing depends entirely on a sense of peace with God, something utterly nebulous and ineffable to the human mind. It simply is not possible for me to describe to you a structure for … Continue reading

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A Critical Lesson of Job

Our lessons in Job will end soon enough. Most Western scholars miss the best parts because they refuse to consider Job from Job’s own cultural matrix. It’s not that I pretend to be such a grand expert, but that I … Continue reading

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Job 34

Elihu endeavors to use the same linguistic manners as Job and his friends. So he offers words on their level and invites them to assess carefully in a wider context whether the things they have said make any sense. Elihu … Continue reading

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Lawful Grace; Graceful Law

Law is grace. Were it not for God’s fervent and determined favor toward us, there would be no revelation. Revelation has always been fundamentally addressed to humans where they stand in a fallen world and in fallen terms. The objective … Continue reading

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The Value of Life

The questions we face in dealing with Westerners is the underlying mythology. While you could easily round up a bunch of them and get each one to profess a different set of moral values, all of them together will remain … Continue reading

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Job 31

Let’s recall that the early chapters state Job did not sin against God in his words. That doesn’t mean he was without error in the sense of how his words affected others. We recognize that the elder trio provoked him … Continue reading

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Police Talking Points

Bear in mind this comes from an ex-cop. The fundamental moral consideration will always be maintaining social stability, which is not the same thing as “order” (as cops tend to define it). Law-n-order is a chimera of the Western middle … Continue reading

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