Tag Archives: law

Wide Open Access

You need to understand what we are up against, not to fear but to know how to fight. As noted yesterday, political agitation in meat space simply invites the attention of those who have no honor. Don’t get lost in … Continue reading

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Virtual War

We are at war. It doesn’t matter if you want to be involved; the war goes on without your active participation. For Christians, it is an extension of our ongoing battle against the demons who want to subjugate us. While … Continue reading

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The Purge Has Begun in Earnest

The detachment encouraged by Christian Mysticism allows me to be entertained by events that actually threaten my physical safety. Maybe you’ve read accounts of the harsh political purges conducted in old Soviet Russia, still done in China today, and now … Continue reading

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Job 12

Even in his anger, Job is more noble than his friends. Where they scold, he answers with sarcastic wit. Surely, these three men represent the pinnacle of human wisdom! When they die, humanity would be plunged into darkness. Job reminds … Continue reading

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ANE Feudal Dominion

What has God delivered into your hands? I’ve often tried to explain the Two Realms, and almost as often seen it rejected. It’s not in my hands to force people to accept it. Probably the single most prominent example of … Continue reading

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Job 10

By default, fallen mankind justly owns the wrath of God. We deserve a short miserable life, a long and painful death and eternity in Hell. That’s the starting place. Anything short of that is a blessing or mercy. So the … Continue reading

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Yes! Means “NO”

Update: Corporate management contacted me and was concerned enough to explain stuff that had not been too well explained locally. So maybe the local manager will be alerted to the discomfort we have here and try to work out the … Continue reading

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A Mystery of God’s Laws

Every day I watch people struggle with God’s Laws. That’s because His Laws are reality; His Justice pervades all of Creation. The revelation of His ways in terms of Law Covenants was a gift meant for all humanity. Obey His … Continue reading

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HOWTO: Intergenerational Conflict

The conflict between generations is peculiar to the West. Fundamental to God’s moral character, as man can know it, is social stability. Fallen human nature fights it tooth and nail, but when we cling to God’s moral laws, we find … Continue reading

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Biblical Evangelism (Continued)

It is a peculiar Western obsession to worry about going to Heaven. People in the Old Testament didn’t talk much about going to Heaven. It’s not as if they didn’t know about it. Granted, a large percentage of the uneducated … Continue reading

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