Tag Archives: law

This War We Can Fight

The consequences of cyber warfare are wholly different from fighting in meat space. Yes, there can be knock-on consequences into meat space, but that would be true of any human activity. I am not against violence, per se; I’m against … Continue reading

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Of Children and Angels 9

It was an all-nighter. They processed the videos and still images of the vans they had managed to capture that night. The prize was the footage Angie shot over the hedge. The images offered a clear visual of the MP … Continue reading

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Of Children and Angels 5

They didn’t yet know where the breaking house was, and finding it wouldn’t be simple. Asking questions would likely cause the mission to abort and utterly fail to identify the carriers. They needed to catch the traffic bringing the kids … Continue reading

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Biblical Law on Abortion

The Spirit of the Lord has moved on me and I must now deliver. I have wrangled over this with friends for a few days, making sure I had considered it from different angles. Perhaps you could consider that as … Continue reading

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He Needs To; She Better

One of the major flaws of Western Civilization is the false dichotomy of manhood versus womanhood. Western Civ as we now know it is essentially Aristotle with a fat layer of Germanic mythology. That’s what the Enlightenment was all about, … Continue reading

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Modern Molech Worship

What’s the difference between sacrificing your children to Molech and abortion? Not much. Unwanted pregnancy these days arise from the same basic profligate sin as characterized the Canaanites in ancient times. They often had sex in the name of some … Continue reading

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It's Complicated

One more time: I am wholly non-partisan about American politics. No existing party, pressure group or agenda represents me. God spoke with finality on the Cross: No human political process can ever claim to work His will. Damn them all … Continue reading

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Humble Silence

We stand silent before the wonder of God’s glory. In God’s Presence, silence is mandated because we have no answer but to praise Him. But we are unworthy, so it requires His permit for even that. Among humanity, our mandate … Continue reading

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In Defiance of God’s Laws

Fundamental issue: Social stability — God’s Laws demand it and are aimed at producing it. This is the thing on which we focus as we attempt to understand how to do justice and bring Him glory. The primary means to … Continue reading

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Malachi 2

From the very beginning of the Covenant, there at the foot of Mount Sinai, the priests and Levites understood their position. At the very least, their meal ticket was in sincere and strict adherence to holiness and respect for God’s … Continue reading

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