Tag Archives: law

No Common Cause

I’m haunted by Jeremiah 16. The Lord tells Jeremiah that, in essence, he must not make common cause with the people of Judah. He’s not to join in their celebrations or other observances. Don’t get married; don’t have kids; don’t … Continue reading

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The Creator, Not Creation

I lost count how many times the Bible says we must worship the Creator, not Creation. Biblical religion does not reverence Mother Earth. That does not excuse profligate pollution and other abuses, because those are unjust in God’s view. What … Continue reading

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Heaven's Law Alone

Heed now the Word of the Lord. Search the Scriptures and they will tell you the same thing. If you read the Bible through the lenses of Western man’s reasoning, you will miss the most important stuff. If you believe … Continue reading

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Crap Tests

Low Level Crap Test You could see it, as plainly as daylight. Her posture, the facial expression, the choice of words and the tone of voice, the dismissive smart-aleck responses — all of it carefully tuned to fluster and distract … Continue reading

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IP and God's Laws

In God’s Laws, there are two essential periods observed in economics. The first is personal debt; the limit was seven years — sabbatical. The second was systemic debt, limited to fifty years — Jubilee. The second is well understood and … Continue reading

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Preaching Repentance

This is strictly about religion. That is, the earthly expression of higher concerns, and issues of how to organize the doing of those unspeakable divine imperatives. Claiming to be a Christian Mystic means nothing if I have no message. I … Continue reading

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The Sin of Safety

I’ve approached this at least once before. Let’s see if we can expand the comment so folks have no excuse. God’s Word is confusing only if you refuse to read it the way it was written. The Hebrew mystical approach … Continue reading

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Bits and Pieces 5

The main prosecutor in the Aaron Swartz case has just lied to the public about their plans. I can write this with full confidence because I know all too well one does not become a federal prosecutor without first being … Continue reading

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Mysticism Notes 1

Mysticism is the assumption your mind is neither capable of handling everything, nor even the most important things, but that some other faculty in a higher realm must be the center of ultimate decision making. Law is for the flesh. … Continue reading

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Zechariah 7

Based on the Old Testament calendar, this message is dated December 518 BC. There came a delegation of folks from Bethel, 10 miles (16km) to the north and bit east. We recall a significant number of people escaped the Babylonian … Continue reading

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