Tag Archives: law

Moral Disasters Bring Wrath

The greatest threat to the people of the US is our own CIA. If you’ve read any of the books and collections of articles published since they first came into being, you know they have from day one broken the … Continue reading

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Laws of God 101

This outline assumes you are living in a Western culture. 1. Acknowledge God as Creator. This is you and Him, not me or anyone else serving as gatekeeper. He will welcome you on terms you alone will understand. 2. Rise … Continue reading

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Ruth 4

Boaz was a prominent man in his own right. Few would hesitate if he hailed them publicly, particularly at this festive time of year. Whatever passed for their court system in those days was the matter of family elders doing … Continue reading

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Ruth 3

In the Hebrew language and culture, context is everything. Boaz was a near kinsman. He did as much for Naomi and Ruth as he could at the time, but he was a busy man. The story would make little sense … Continue reading

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Ruth 2

Naomi married into her husband’s clan. As an elderly widow, she remained a member of that clan. The area around Bethlehem at that time would have included a few peaceful outsiders, but almost everyone was kin. We have a hard … Continue reading

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Mental Illness Is Insane

The whole medical model of psychology and psychiatry is broken. There are precious few people with psychology issues arising from genuine medical problems. Having spent decades working at least part of the time in pastoral counseling, and watching an awful … Continue reading

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Micah 6

The mission of Israel was to be a living receptacle for the revelation of God to a fallen world. God built them up from nothing into a mighty nation, but their very existence was by trust in God, sufficient trust … Continue reading

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The Levirate Law

God’s Laws require keeping it all in family. In the Law of Moses is a provision which requires a man marry his childless brother’s widow and raise up children to claim that brother’s inheritance. If she already has children, it … Continue reading

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The Wrong Path

Got an illegal robo-call on my cell phone yesterday from “Prophet Manasseh Jordan” which was basically an appeal for donations. Manasseh Jordan is the son of Bishop E. Bernard Jordan, and is linked to T.D. Jakes, Joel Osteen, Steven Furtick, … Continue reading

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More Open Than Closed

Perhaps you have heard the old hymn: There’s a wideness, in God’s mercy, like the wideness of the sea. Too often we extend our private faith in ways God did not intend, and does not support. It’s one thing to … Continue reading

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