Tag Archives: law

Poor Man's Economics Forecast, Part 2

A few more issues in which we recognize the difference between the plutocrats and the rest of us. By now I’m sure most of my readers are aware there are two completely different sets of laws for Them and for … Continue reading

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Which Elite?

The proper question on government should be which elite group will rule. Democracy, however you define it, has not worked out well in the US, nor anywhere else in the West. It’s even worse in Islamic lands: “The entire point … Continue reading

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Once Again: I’m a Terrorist

I am associated with officially designated “terrorists.” That is, living here in Central Oklahoma, I reject the entire official government narrative of the Murrah Building Bombing. I tend to agree with the contents of this site. And said site is … Continue reading

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Natural Population Reduction

It doesn’t take a prophet, only someone paying attention, to realize we are entering a time of massive loss of human life. Those who believe the world is designed to support only a half-billion souls may not get their wish, … Continue reading

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Radical Management: Budgeting

We work from the proper moral assumptions: Borrowing is evil unless you are starving. I categorically reject the entire budgeting and management philosophy of the West. It’s wrong before the first thought is put down on paper. Unfortunately, it’s not … Continue reading

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Organizational Life

Management Craft: It’s an abomination to God that corporations should have “personhood” status before the law, but that organizations have their own life is obvious to anyone. It seems almost a tautology that the best organizations die too young and … Continue reading

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If I Could, I Would

Yep, if I had as much money as he does: [Ventura] vowed to apply for Mexican citizenship so he can live there more months of the year…. “I will never stand for a national anthem again. I will turn my … Continue reading

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A Step Too Far

Violence is not inherently evil; it is seldom righteous. Over the years, I’ve learned there are a lot things I can and should absorb for the glory of God. When I look into the mirror of my soul, the greatest … Continue reading

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Enclave: Sanity Asylum

When the world is insane, you build a safe place to remain sane. For all the world it looks like a cult in a compound. Yet, when the world is crazy, it’s opinion cannot be taken seriously. Threats, yes, we … Continue reading

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The Real Sustainable Life

Western Civilization is inherently unsustainable. If the only sin of Greens was worshiping Mother Earth, I would hardly bother with them. Instead, they have hijacked words like “sustainable” as a cover for hating everyone outside their little elite in-group. Anyone … Continue reading

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