Tag Archives: law

Warm Up to Massive Crime Wave

Most of us spent too long in relative comfort to imagine how bad it will get in just a short time. Economic depression is here. It’s going to get worse and take a very long time to pass, easily a … Continue reading

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Notes in Passing on Theory of Government

There is such a thing as good government. You aren’t likely to see it, but it won’t hurt to know something about it so you’ll know how to criticize what we do have. 1. Prophets have always condemned credit and … Continue reading

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God’s Word on Police and Law Enforcement

Having so long criticized policemen in the US, I was moved to pray for a vision of how we might move things back toward sanity. What follows is some of that vision. My authority from God is limited to simply … Continue reading

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More on the Norway Terror and Jumping to Conclusions

Nothing is ever as simple as we would like it to be. As I write this, I am aware that Breivik’s manifesto has been made available. It’s longer by far than that of the Unabomber, and I won’t pretend to … Continue reading

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Word of the Lord Against OKC-PD and Municipal Government

Background: Here is a list of articles ranging between fawning police butt-kissers and raging anti-establishment conspiracy nuts — Crime, Minors Breaking Curfew On Rise In Bricktown Okla. City Cops Catch Flak for Mistaken Teen Curfew Arrests” Police State Insanity: Teens … Continue reading

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We Are Not

Our house church is not Protestant, nor Catholic, nor Orthodox, nor do we fit any other standard associations. We have no legal charter, no corporate property, and precious little organization. We don’t consider ourselves a distinct entity at all. We … Continue reading

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Legalism and Religion

It’s not about semantics, per se, but clear thinking. Legalism is not simply a matter of hide-bound about rules. It’s not being a stickler for pointless details, not wrangling over endless permutations of application. Those are symptoms. Legalism is making … Continue reading

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They Are Everywhere

No place is safe. Wherever you go in this world, some psychopath with very real power stands ready to destroy your life. Right here in our own rural Eastern Oklahoma County, you can find them. On the surface, this is … Continue reading

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Kiss Your Future Goodbuy

No, it’s not a typo; the Illuminati are buying up all land and real assets at fire sale prices. Fiat currency is debt by definition. Every US dollar created is a loan from the Federal Reserve, and the net owed … Continue reading

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Prude Games

I’m a serious prude. The Bible says God demands modesty. The basic principle is we are fallen, and when our eyes see certain things, our hormones kick in and can lead us astray. In general, men are weaker in this … Continue reading

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