Tag Archives: law

Guns and Chariots

Brother Benjamin asks for some clarity on the issue of weapons and self-defense: My own pastor claims to be for gun ownership, but when asked about carrying concealed in church he used a verse from Psalms about trusting not in … Continue reading

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No Surprises for Dominque Strauss-Kahn

Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK) is probably one of the few people completely unsurprised by what’s happening to him right now. First, let me refer you to an excellent analysis of the DSK case. So far, this is the best one I’ve … Continue reading

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Revolting Feminists

You may have heard about the Slutwalk brouhaha, which started in Canada. As I understand it, the promoters were reacting to an offhand comment from a police officer, to the effect the rape problem is not helped by women dressing … Continue reading

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The Romance That Never Was

The old adage of “know thyself” has a particular meaning in Romance. I regard my marriage as unusually successful, in the sense we are a perfect match. Aside from it being a miracle of God in the first place stumbling … Continue reading

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On the Virtue of Decentralized Power Structures

No one has any business poking about in your personal life who isn’t related by blood or covenant. Thus saith the Lord. This was His part of His intention in promulgating the Covenant of Noah, because the primary burden of … Continue reading

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Morals of Finance and Debt

People do not borrow money for business. They seek investors who become part owners. Shared ownership requires a close familial or covenantal relationship first. Without that connection, that assumption of shared loss and gain on a fundamental level, there is … Continue reading

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Morals in a Sick Society

We need to understand morality in this world is always contextual, always complex. In my theology, there will always be that sharp distinction between the Two Realms, the Spirit Realm and the Fallen Realm (AKA, the world). If you prefer … Continue reading

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Rebellion versus Revolution: Two Wrongs Make Nothing Right

The only statement which seems unfailing in this world: “This too shall change.” There are changes in our world. What we have in all these mass uprisings is mostly rebellion. A revolution implies a radical change in government, but most … Continue reading

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The Evils of Efficiency

People are the greatest treasure of great men. A fundamental feature of most ancient civilizations was the supreme value placed on good servants. When one empire conquered another, only the titular rival was killed or imprisoned, along with anyone who … Continue reading

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Making the Prison Tolerable

Yesterday I wrote you cannot package salvation. That’s not to say there is no useful guide to action in helping people get a hint of sanity. There most certainly is a defined course of action on this plane of existence … Continue reading

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