Tag Archives: law

Ask Yourself: Where Is His Glory?

Tonight I had a conversation with a friend about abortion. This is something where we can apply the biblical process of multi-level moral reasoning. Reduced to it’s bottom line in Biblical Law, it’s nobody’s business but the mother and her … Continue reading

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Teachings of Jesus — Luke 12:54-59

This continues the previous lesson from last week. Jesus pointed out that His coming as Messiah would polarize those under the Old Covenant and separate out those who would belong to the New Covenant. His Covenant would restore what all … Continue reading

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Kiln of the Soul: Discerning the Context

Israel was a covenant nation. Regardless of geographical borders, they were the same nation wherever they were. Nor was it a question of DNA. According to that covenant, anyone from any genetic heritage could embrace the covenant and become an … Continue reading

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We Are Pioneers

Let’s be clear: In the Bible, Law is Law. The proper approach to Law is the Hebrew mystical traditions of seeing through the particulars as limited expressions of something deeper and more substantive. The whole idea is to inspire awe … Continue reading

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Hebrew Feudal Relations

I still read a lot of news about mainstream Christian religious activities. There seems to be some confusion about Hebrew feudal relations in the Old Testament household. Most of what we see in Western Christianity is far closer to Germanic … Continue reading

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Biblical Morals: Constitution and Treason

This is a response to an off-line query. In order to understand questions of what is or is not treasonous, you have to take the whole context of the US Constitution. It’s a very well written attempt to promote a … Continue reading

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Just a Silly Story 08

Someone on 4chan claims to have baited Stormy Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti. A woman convinced him she had serious evidence that she had committed a sex act with three men at once, and one of them was Kavanaugh. Avenatti promised … Continue reading

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Just a Silly Story 07

In the next week or so, Trump and Q say Kavanagh will be confirmed as Supreme Court Justice. Most of what you read or hear is just noise; the whole resistance will fall apart. Meanwhile, Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller … Continue reading

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Law and Faith Together 02

Don’t try to make a parable walk on all-fours. Hebrew parable is the opposite of Western descriptive language. Whereas the latter seeks to encode discrete ideas that are the same in all contexts, parable seeks to offer imagery that adjusts … Continue reading

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Law and Faith Together 01

God is merciful. Let’s clarify some things regarding covenants. Some of you understand that law covenants are not the same as faith covenants. Faith is the goal; law is designed to make faith easier to find. The whole point of … Continue reading

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