Tag Archives: law

Not My Friend

The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my ally. My only friend is Truth, AKA God. Everyone in Him is also my friend, but a great many of them still work against His revealed truth. My allies are those … Continue reading

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Naming and Shaming: Criminal Registrars

Not only do I lack the expertise, but I am not in a position to get it. But I deeply respect those who are willing to name names and shame the guilty in public. KnujOn (that’s “No Junk” backwards) is … Continue reading

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Outrigger: 15

It was not what he expected, but war seldom is what anyone expects. The US military had tried to come up with something rather like flares for heat-seeking missiles, but dropping dozens of radio beacons with the broad range of … Continue reading

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Oklahoma Prisons Break(down)

I live in Oklahoma, and my son works in one of the numerous prison facilities in this state. It’s not that I have an interest, so much as I know intricately the details of this idiocy. What we have here … Continue reading

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Half-Right: “Don’t Fight the New World Order”

Interesting video attracting some attention. The name attached to the face is Ziggy Eichhorst. The preacher suffers from a serious case of Western epistemology. Otherwise, he’s not too far from the mark. By mixing the spiritual and worldly provisions of … Continue reading

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Implications of the Decalogue: Conclusion

The Covenant of Moses was closed at the Cross. In that sense, God today holds no one accountable to the Law of Moses. We keep it around, referring to it historically, so that we may learn about His Laws in … Continue reading

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Implications of the Decalogue: Ten

You shall not covet your neighbor’s property. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is your neighbor’s. The Hebrew word “covet” carried more weight than … Continue reading

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Implications of the Decalogue: Nine

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. The Suzerain does not permit dishonesty. Since it would require more than one witness in court to meet the minimum evidence of a crime, it would invariably be collusion and conspiracy … Continue reading

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Implications of the Decalogue: Eight

You shall not steal. The word translated into English as “steal” covers a wide range of unjust takings, including frauds. It should be obvious how this inflicts harm on the community. The whole point of living in proximity of others … Continue reading

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Implications of the Decalogue: Seven

You shall not commit adultery. This is one commandment more honored in the violation than in the keeping. The Suzerain is not amused when people break faith. We are not animals operating with no moral compass, but bear a heavy … Continue reading

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