Tag Archives: law

Sermon on the Mount 3

The Last Measure — Matthew 5:17-20 Everything about this passage hangs on how you understand Matthew’s choice of the Greek word for “fulfill” (pleroo play-rah’-oh) in verse 17. Once again, let’s remind ourselves that there are two primary issues behind … Continue reading

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Substance Abuse and the Idolatry of Beowulf

The so-called War on Drug Abuse is immoral for a lot of reasons. What can we say from an approach to the question based on Biblical Law? Remember one basic principle: Any law is evil if there is no reasonable … Continue reading

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Not Giving Up 02

This is a rough day for me with pretty harsh symptoms from a cold virus. I’ve been careful and proactive because of my personal history with such things, so I’m not feeling dead or wishing I were. Still, I’m dozing … Continue reading

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On Child Abuse

This is a prophetic message, so it belongs in the pulpit. God vests men and women with various types of prophetic gifts, callings and offices as part of the redemptive nature of revelation. That purpose includes a call to repentance, … Continue reading

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The Nuclear Option of Faith

When your heart belongs wholly to Christ, and you strive to walk by that heart of faith, you will inevitably encounter resistance from a sinful world. We must always keep before us that our real enemy is Satan and his … Continue reading

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For Example, Racism

For all that is in the world — the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life — is not of the Father but is of the world. (1 John 2:16 NKJV) I’ve covered … Continue reading

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Why Noah’s Law?

It’s a matter of faith: We stand ready to die for the name of Christ. I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer just me living in this fleshly body, but Christ lives in me, too. Now the … Continue reading

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Elder and Judge

Eldercraft is my term for the collection of skills and experiences necessary for being a biblical elder. We define “elder” as half of the leadership team described in the Bible as God’s Two Witnesses: priest and king. A biblical king … Continue reading

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Psalm 119: Shin 161-168

This octet celebrates the Serenity of the Law, for obedience to God is its own reward. This isn’t just ordinary folks, but powerful nobles have brought pressure to bear on the psalmist. Worse, it’s for no good reason, but they … Continue reading

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Why Tribulation?

This shouldn’t be too hard to understand if your mind knows your heart: Divine justice was never punitive in nature. It was always redemptive. Sure, you could cross some threshold and be taken from this world. The manner of execution … Continue reading

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