Tag Archives: law

Politically Agnostic

Hopefully I’ve established a model of clarity and acuity for things of this world. It’s not a question of objective truth; it’s a question of avoiding the trap of sloppy thinking that makes propaganda work to manipulate behavior. I’m trying … Continue reading

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Psalm 119: Tzaddi 137-144

This octet delivers the Charge of Righteousness. The image is a feudal servant vested with a special trust, a mission that the servant must faithfully keep over a long period of time and through a long series of trials. He’s … Continue reading

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The Greatest Threat Is Always Inside

The single greatest threat to Americans is the CIA. This is a difficult subject because it’s so tightly woven into the very fabric of human existence. On the one hand, spying is essential to human government in our fallen world. … Continue reading

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Of Goats and Chamber Pots

Don’t follow the folly of this world. Matthew 26:52 is often misquoted. It’s a peculiar Western concept that one could “live by the sword.” It almost sounds poetic — live by the sword; die by the sword. But this places … Continue reading

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Psalm 119: Gimel 17-24

The psalmist rejoices in his past experiences that confirmed the revelation of God. As one who has experienced it aplenty in the past, he calls on God to deal with him in such a way that he can thrive and … Continue reading

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Law versus Law

We operate in a context of human laws that are founded on flouting God’s Law. The Law Covenants reflect the nature of Creation itself. They reveal the moral character of the Creator, and we should hardly be surprised that His … Continue reading

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Variable Reality

Our good brother Jay DiNitto mentioned something in a recent post about Quantum Mechanics and how our conception of time is probably all wrong. Well, duh. We weren’t designed for this world. This world is not the original plan. To … Continue reading

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Psalm 119: Aleph

Westerners get the impression the Hebrews weren’t too good at math, but that has more to do with a different attitude about when and where math matters. At 176 verses, this is the longest chapter in the Bible, and with … Continue reading

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Gospel Missions

Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. No matter where you touch the living truth, it always leads to other things. The Western tendency to make thinking discrete and linear, with binary logic, is a major hurdle to overcome … Continue reading

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My Father’s World, Part 2

The Lord said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground. Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your … Continue reading

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