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Tag Archives: mercy
Perception Reborn
What would we need to say about building a Christian culture? First and foremost, our only reason for living on this earth is to bring glory to God, specifically to the name of Jesus Christ. To put a finer point … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Creation, culture, mercy, otherworldly, spirituality
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Psalm 121
No petition here, this is a responsive hymn celebrating the protection of Jehovah. Palestine is a hilly land, and any route toward Zion meant looking at ridges and mountains until you saw the Temple itself, visible from quite a distance … Continue reading
Psalm 107
Book 5: Psalms 107-150 This is a catchall collection of several smaller collections of public worship songs, including the songs of Ascents and Hallelujah psalms. In other ways it seems to celebrate specifically covenant promises and how to claim them. … Continue reading
Love Is the Law
I behold the face of my beloved. I seriously doubt you would find it aesthetically pleasing, but you haven’t spent a lifetime in her love, so I can forgive you for that. But I’m willing to bet you would understand … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged covenant, divine justice, divine revelation, grace, law, mercy, scripture, spirituality
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