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Tag Archives: messianic expectations
No Rescue Here
The Woman at the Well made an off-hand comment to Jesus about “when the Messiah comes” that was totally consistent with the fervor of the times. The entire nation of Israel understood Daniel’s prophecy and that it was about time … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged Eternity, human achievement, insignificance, messianic expectations, moral discernment
How Satan Rules
I suppose I need to clarify some of the question of who is doing what. As with Catacomb Resident, I say that Jewish people are not the real problem. If Jews were wiped out, Satan would simply raise up a … Continue reading
New Testament Doctrine: John 3:1-21
We continue with our backtrack loop of Jesus attending Passover in Jerusalem before going into full time ministry up in Galilee. After a day of cleansing the Temple and performing miracles on the crowd visiting the city, Jesus receives a … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged Jesus Christ, Messiah, messianic expectations, Nicodemus, spiritual birth
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New Testament Doctrine: John 2:13-25
The task starts to get challenging. We will need to refer to a harmony of the Gospels before we go any farther. I’ve yet to find that I agree with totally, but in order to keep this simple, I’ll link … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged Bible History, Gospels, Jesus Cleansing the Temple, John's Gospel, legalism, Messiah, messianic expectations, miracles of Jesus, New Testament, Pharisaical Hellenism
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Teachings of Jesus — John 14:18-24
Jesus is still talking along the lines of returning home to His Father’s heavenly court to take up His co-regency. The disciples are still expecting a restoration of the literal Davidic Kingdom of Israel. Their blindness here is almost painful. … Continue reading
Teachings of Jesus — John 13:31-38
There is no big secret, no magical insights from this passage. It’s quite likely that you have read or heard a ton of stuff about it. The main point here is the focus John picks up in his reporting of … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged crucifixion, Jesus Christ, John's Gospel, messianic expectations, mortality, Two Realms
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Teachings of Jesus — John 6:22-59
This chapter of John’s Gospel opens with Jesus traveling to Galilee, then to Tiberias on the western shore. The crowds from the area had been following Him around, since they saw Him with His disciples and recognized this as the … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged breaking point, heart-led, jesus parables, John's Gospel, messianic expectations
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Teachings of Jesus — John 5:17-47
The Nation of Israel was not a nation of laws, but of direct divine rule. Neither God nor Moses legislated; the Covenant was not fixed. It was merely the written expression of the Sovereign’s will, a revelation of His divine … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged faith in God, human reason, Jesus Christ, John's Gospel, Law of Moses, messianic expectations, miracles of Jesus
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Teachings of Jesus — Matthew 21:23-32
The final confrontation had begun. Jesus came to Jerusalem knowing He was about to be abused and executed. In the process, He must call attention to the moral failures of those who hated Him. The Sanhedrin were well aware of … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged call to repentance, Jesus, John the Baptist, messianic expectations, Sanhedrin, the Covenant of Moses
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