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Tag Archives: military
Feminine Power Abuse
I watched it happen with my own eyes. When I was stationed in Europe, our unit received a new Sergeant Major. He came before his predecessor retired, so spent a few weeks at loose ends. A small group of us … Continue reading
Scanned Photos 04
My part in Desert Storm was an exercise called DEFORGER (Departure of Forces from Germany), a play on the older term REFORGER. In our case, we were loading out vehicles from US units in Germany headed for Desert Storm. My … Continue reading
In the Lord’s Service
I am a soldier by divine calling. It’s not my vocation, but it does help to explain how I get things done. I tolerate conditions I can’t control and faithfully engage the mission. Traditional pacifism is a lie. The Bible … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged Biblical Law, covenants, feudalism, game, government, military, oppression, peace, tribal government
If I Still Could…
I’ve discussed my military service in the past. The primary motive was not any particular patriotism, but simply my character. Soldering is in my soul, and more now than ever, despite being physically unable to serve for the past 25 … Continue reading
Posted in personal
Tagged heart-led, military, moral character, veterans services
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What the Election Results Mean
I’m preparing for the worst; that’s my initial reaction. I can’t pretend I speak for you, but this is what’s in my heart this morning. As before, we have no dog in this fight. That the Democrats now have a … Continue reading
Present versus Future Orientation
Live in the moment. I’ve read excerpts from court cases where judges have ruled that the only proper orientation is a future-oriented outlook. Some have flatly said that living in the moment is barbaric. If you aren’t working for tomorrow, … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged Biblical Law, epistemology, heart-led, military, peace, psychology
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AI: The Wrong Truth
Recently Amazon released a report that their AI recruiting bot was sexist. They couldn’t get it to be more gender neutral in its analysis of job applicants. You can find a lot of articles about it, but I’ll tell you … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged artificial intelligence, Biblical Law, business, computer technology, game, military
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Just a Silly Story 06
The Q nerds claim the following. 1. In a few days the President will order declassification of the FISA warrant papers that were used to justify spying on him. The objective is to clarify who was responsible for making that … Continue reading
Don’t Lay up Treasures in This World
Of course, globalists are not the only problem we have to deal with here in the US. Having an empire in the first place is a major issue, even without the hijacking. I’ve already discussed here on this blog God’s … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged false dichotomy, imperialism, military, peace with god, politics, shalom, Zionism
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Keep Watch for Turmoil
If you are heart-led, if you really buy into this Radix Fidem Christian Mysticism stuff, you are a threat to the system. I can tell you from working within the clergy of several evangelical denominations that what holds them together … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged american churches, espionage, globalism, government, martial law, military, religion
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