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Tag Archives: old testament
Spiritualizing the Text: Sample
I’m working back through the passages where the New Testament writers were guilty of “spiritualizing the text” of the Old Testament. That’s sarcasm; I reject the notion there is anything wrong with doing that. Yet the same people who assert … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged epistemology, hebrew culture, Matthew's Gospel, mysticism, old testament, prophet isaiah, scripture, Virgin Birth
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Universalist Logic
Walk in the light you have. I’m not here to dictate orthodoxy for others; I can only relate to you what I’ve experienced. Theology as commonly done among Western Christians is wholly misleading because it pretends certitude here in this … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged divine revelation, moral consciousness, mysticism, old testament, theology, Two Realms, western christians
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Evangelical False God
It never stops. Every where I turn, I keep encountering the same blindness, though expressed in different ways. And the people who wallow in that blindness rarely seize the hand offered so they can be pulled out. Mercy cannot be … Continue reading
Posted in religion
Tagged epistemology, law, old testament, scripture, spirituality, Western Christian mythology
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Christian Un-politics
Sometimes you just have to back off and see the forest for the trees. Before the Harlot Church, there was the Harlot Israel (see the prophet Hosea). She rode the Beast of Rome. Rome was the patsy in crucifying Christ. … Continue reading
Posted in prophecy
Tagged Israel, Judaizers, Modern Israel, mysticism, old testament, resistance, scripture, spirituality, Zionism
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Old Testament and Afterlife
There are a vast number of differing viewpoints; mine is just one more. Please note, a huge portion of scholarship is hostile. That is, the scholar goes into the question assuming the worst and isn’t surprised to find evidence supporting … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged history, intellectual organization, mysticism, mythology, old testament, peace, peace with god, scripture, theology