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Tag Archives: organizing principle
Keep Your Flags
I’m not into flags. I have no interest in representing any culture and history that isn’t subject to the Covenant of Christ. But that doesn’t mean I won’t fight under one rebel flag or another for the sake of convenience. … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged armed resistance, Biblical Law, organizing principle, war
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Not Blending in Very Well
Could there be some day a Radix Fidem military chaplain? Not likely, though not impossible. For now, it would require a fairly radical change in government. That is, the kind of process for seeking government recognition as a valid religious … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged church, government, military, organizing principle, radix fidem, religion
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Forever Pastoral
It’s not about me, so I tend to avoid divulging much. Still, there comes those moments when it’s hard to do much unless you explain the human context. After all, I teach that the whole point of everything is people, … Continue reading
Posted in personal
Tagged civilization, eldercraft, ministry, mysticism, organizing principle, religion, scripture, spirituality, western christianity