Tag Archives: Plato and Aristotle

HTCG 01d

We continue with Chapter 1. Section C: Non-being Part 1: In Greek Thought In order to logically corner the Sophists, Plato sought to define being further by defining non-being. It’s not simply the negation of being; it includes things merely … Continue reading

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HTCG 01c

We continue with Chapter 1, section A. Part 5: The Dynamic Character of the World Here I am compelled to reflect upon rather than interpret what Boman says. He points out that a major reason the Hebrews consider the earth … Continue reading

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HTCG Introduction

It’s this blog’s turn to review a book: Hebrew Thought Compared with Greek by Thorleif Boman (HTCG). The book was published first in German back in 1954; this is the second edition translated into English around 1960. The copy I’m … Continue reading

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Musical Objective

Aristotle was a lazy jerk. Centuries of philosophers before him were willing to do the hard work of quantum reasoning. It’s not easy to operate on multiple levels at the same time, but it results in a far better response … Continue reading

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