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Tag Archives: Psalms
Psalm 130
Our greatest difficulty in reading the Psalms is that we struggle to enter the Hebrew mind. This short piece sounds so much like David for its depth of passion, but there were others who caught the same fire for the … Continue reading
Psalm 129
This is the quintessential song of oppression and persistence. Genuine faith rises to meet every challenge; against such faith persecution starves and withers. Given the context here, it would seem the threat is not some neighboring enemy, but internal enemies. … Continue reading
Psalm 128
This is another Psalm of Ascension that wasn’t composed specifically for pilgrimage. Rather, it is didactic in nature and presents the pilgrim’s goal of Jerusalem as the capstone of blessings. God’s favor on Jerusalem was the foundation of national welfare, … Continue reading
Psalm 127
Translations vary on whether Solomon wrote this himself of took it into his collection of wisdom literature. Either way, it reflects the kind of broad moral insight he had. We can be sure this wasn’t written for the annual pilgrimage. … Continue reading
Psalm 126
This Song of Ascents refers to the Exile and Restoration, but looks back upon it from a later date. Yet still fresh in memory was the giddy joy of the imperial announcement that the Judeans could go home and rebuild … Continue reading
Psalm 125
A song of security, scholars suggest this was not originally meant as a pilgrimage psalm. However, it fits the theme well enough referring to the geography around the City of Jerusalem. One can hardly approach the city without climbing over … Continue reading
Psalm 124
This is ascribed specifically to David. We should take notice how very much this is like a responsive song, heavy with Hebrew parallelism. We have this basic confession: Were it not for Jehovah’s favor, there would be no Israel. Think … Continue reading
Psalm 123
While very short, this Psalm of Ascents is far more intense than any English translation can convey. It echoes of someone in deep distress from oppression, implying a persecution for one’s faith in Jehovah. The first word in the Hebrew … Continue reading
Psalm 122 (Updated)
Though written by David whose palace sits in Jerusalem, he assumes the perspective of a pilgrim who has come from the farthest distance. We have arrived! We are here in Jerusalem and the first thing we want to do is … Continue reading
Psalm 121
No petition here, this is a responsive hymn celebrating the protection of Jehovah. Palestine is a hilly land, and any route toward Zion meant looking at ridges and mountains until you saw the Temple itself, visible from quite a distance … Continue reading