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Tag Archives: psychology
Can You Imagine?
How deep does the rabbit hole go? There are a handful of people who claim to have survived the mind-control programs of the CIA and other government and private agencies. There are also a handful of insiders who claim to … Continue reading
Who Shall Believe Their Report?
We live in a fairly civilized world today. Most of humanity at least gives lip service to the idea of human rights. We put a lot of stock in education. There was a time in history when things like geometry … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged ancient magic, ANE, Creation, globalism, miracles, pagan mythology, personification, psychology
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Programmable Humanity
There’s a wide body of literature and videos about MKULTRA and similar efforts to program people to do things they wouldn’t otherwise do. In regards to the CIA’s studies, it typically revolves around programming people to engage in sex as … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged church, government, human behavior, military training, moral discernment, oppression, psychological assessments, psychology
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His Work in Us
We are up against one very massive barrier in American society in particular, and it’s a major problem within the broader Western world at large. A critical element in Western thinking is to deny anything above the intellect, to deny … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged civilizations, epistemology, mysticism, philosophy, psychology, radix fidem, western epistemology
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The Light of the Day
Here is the heart-led way: Get to know reality; it’s a person like you and I, but without the fallen nature. It won’t be quite the same for any two of us because it is alive and has a personality. … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged convictions, heart-led, moral character, psychology
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What’s Unplugged?
The heart-led path will take you places you could never have imagined. Shifting your sense of consciousness from your brain to your heart changes a lot of things. It takes awhile for your conscious awareness to realize it’s not limited … Continue reading
The Parable of Reality as a Person
Under the covenant of Radix Fidem, we hold the doctrine that Creation is alive, sentient and willful. Creation is generally the same thing as “reality” in the sense that Creation acts to defend its prerogatives. Creation is not all-powerful; that’s … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Biblical Law, Creation, moral character, psychology, reality, spiritual redemption
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A Shift in Values
Some of our biggest challenges arise from overcoming bad conditioning. Our society has an obsession with “saving time” — by which is implied not wasting something that is precious and hard to get. There are a whole raft of assumptions … Continue reading
Eternal Outsiders
We of Radix Fidem and the heart-led way do not see ourselves as a nation or tribe among others on this earth. Rather, we are a tribe and nation on a totally different level. Our tribal communion is in the … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged government, Islam, Judaism, mysticism, oppression, otherworldly, politics, psychology, religion, western christianity
Toward a Heart-led Psychology
Just a review first: The single greatest influence on popular American thinking about psychology is Freud. That’s sad, because we know that Freud was a sick, twisted pervert. Not only did he inject his perversion into his theory, but forced … Continue reading