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Tag Archives: redhat
Reminiscing on Linux
I’ve been reading Unix in a Nutshell. I can’t remember where I got it, but it was probably at Half Price Books. That “nutshell” business is a joke; the book in paperback is nearly 2 inches thick. This makes my … Continue reading
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RHEL 7 Beta: Initial Test Drive (Updated)
(Note: This is not about server use, but desktop use and building custom packages for such use.) The long-awaited beta for RHEL 7 has arrived. You’ll have to wade through some stuff to get an account so you can apply … Continue reading
Linux on a Toshiba Satellite C855D-S5104 (Updated)
This thing is pretty low spec, starting with a dual-core 1.3Ghz processor. It comes with Win8 and I would personally never tolerate that on any of my computers. While I am capable of helping my clients set theirs up and … Continue reading
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Bits and Pieces 11
It’s not straightforward to install, but VMWare Player for Linux works very well on RHEL 6 and clones (I’m using Scientific Linux 6). However, XP does not work properly as a client, and you may not get it running at … Continue reading
Rehabilitating Linux
The mission comes first in all things. I still use Linux. There is only one real reason anyone would choose Linux over Windows: control. MS will never yield the level of control we users would like. The nifty little secrets … Continue reading
Realistic Mission
If you imagine your divine calling requires having control over the activities and behavior of others, you are lying to yourself and listening to Satan. I run Scientific Linux 6 on my computer, and I am an advocate for Open … Continue reading
LCD/LED TV with RHEL 6 and Friends
Because of my pastoral heart, I want to save others the sorrow of having to repeat my labors needlessly. In this case, we are running Scientific Linux 6 on a recent Dell desktop with an Intel graphics chipset, and no … Continue reading
CentOS 6: Broken Dictionary
On CentOS 6, the GNOME Dictionary is broken. Apparently, I’m not the only one who has noticed this. Unfortunately, I’ve not seen where anyone posted a proper fix. It worked fine in both RHEL 6 and SL 6 on this … Continue reading
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Taming the Beast: CentOS 6.2 and Inspiron 1525 Laptop
We all know Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is the basis for both CentOS and Scientific Linux (SL). The differences are largely cosmetic from the user’s point of view, in which the clones are legally required to change only the … Continue reading
Program Notes: CentOS Laptop Coming
That is, if I can get this inherited machine working. Traded for a Dell Latitude D620. A decent system, but the power jack appears to be disconnected inside. Works okay if the battery is charged up, but none of my … Continue reading
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