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Tag Archives: Restoration
Law of Moses — Nehemiah 4
In the previous chapter is a long list of the groups and their assigned sectors on the wall. Those who lived behind the wall built the section nearest their homes. A primary issue is that the entire city was still … Continue reading
Psalm 149
The fourth of the final Hallelujah Hymns in Psalms, this one draws the image of a distinct historical event, though we cannot pin it down which one. We do know that during the Period of Restoration after Exile, the returnees … Continue reading
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Tagged Bible History, Israel, Psalms, Restoration, worship
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Psalm 147
This is the second of the Hallelujah Psalms. It is obvious that we have three stanzas woven together here; in some ancient manuscripts the third is a separate psalm. We note in passing that at least one contemporary worship song … Continue reading
Psalm 126
This Song of Ascents refers to the Exile and Restoration, but looks back upon it from a later date. Yet still fresh in memory was the giddy joy of the imperial announcement that the Judeans could go home and rebuild … Continue reading