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Tag Archives: rituals
The Two Rituals
A couple more questions regarding religious practice for Kiln of the Soul. We aren’t interested in sacraments. That concept arose long after the New Testament times. We do have two prominent ritual practices: communion and baptism. Communion need not be … Continue reading
Telling the Story Again, Part 3
The first two parts summarize the foundation of how I understand what Jews are doing today, and the wider political currents. It’s very easy to miss the point that Israel did have a mandate from God as declared in the … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged ancient magic, Dispensationalism, Judaism, Kabbalism, Nephilim, rituals, Talmud
Radix Fidem and Weddings
I’ve said this before: We are the New Israel, not the Old Israel. Some of what the Old Testament commands is not valid in Christ. Fortunately, Jesus and His Apostles did a fairly good job of helping us understand the … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged ANE, Biblical Law, law, mainstream religion, rituals, society, weddings
There Is No Sacrament
If you belong to either a Catholic or Orthodox religious identity, don’t read this. You’ll hate it. The definition of the term “sacrament” is a religious ritual that serves as a means of grace. There is no such thing. Nothing … Continue reading
NT Doctrine — Matthew 27:45-66 and John 19:28-42
John tells us that, rather early in the process, Jesus asked him to assume custody of His mother, Mary. It should be obvious that Jesus didn’t trust His own siblings with the task because they didn’t believe in Him, and … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged Jesus' crucifixion, John's Gospel, Judaism, Matthew's Gospel, rituals, Roman government, Sanhedrin, Temple
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Western Idolatries 03
God does not dwell in houses made by human hands. He is a spirit being whose existence is rooted in a different dimension. His is the original, the true “reality” and ours is the fallen illusion. You can touch His … Continue reading
Pondering the Path 03
Scripture promotes one particular image of Christians, still in their fallen fleshly form, as children in the household of God. As any good father, He encourages us to hang around Him when He works. We can scarcely understand much of … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged faith, heart-led, Hebrew epistemology, human reason, redemption, rituals, scripture, sensory heart
Theology and Practice — Odds and Ends
(This is the last in the series before I turn it into a book. You can always ask questions anytime, but if you want any additional issues covered in the book, you need to shoot me the questions in the … Continue reading
For Everything a Season
An issue in the mind of Simon the Pharisee in Luke 7 was that of defilement. For him, keeping oneself ceremonially clean was equivalent to holiness, and the key to God’s favor. Since he was scrupulous to maintain that ritual … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Biblical Law, convictions, divine justice, heart-led, human government, moral purity, penitence, rituals
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Antidote to Fear 05
First, a taxonomy of curses. There are valid curses that arise from violating covenants. The prime example is the Curse of the Fall from violating the Covenant of Creation. Some of you may recall the very dramatic ritual that took … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged curses and blessings, moral authority, moral dominion, phenomenology, redemptive power, rituals
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