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Tag Archives: Satan
Gospel Missions
Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. No matter where you touch the living truth, it always leads to other things. The Western tendency to make thinking discrete and linear, with binary logic, is a major hurdle to overcome … Continue reading
Our Crazy Ancient New Religion 4
Satan cannot create anything; all he can do is pervert what God has said and done. You don’t have to buy into what follows in terms of the details. It’s just my opinion, my way of addressing something that comes … Continue reading
Our Crazy Ancient New Religion 3
What’s the difference between a demon and delusion? In the Old Testament we see little mention of the Devil. He’s there in Eden, mentioned briefly in relation to Saul’s torment, Job, and a few other places. This is not the … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged heart-mind, propaganda, religion, Satan, scripture, shalom, sin, spirituality
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The Urge to Torment
Sometimes it’s not enough to say it comes from Satan; in our culture that can serve to dismiss any number of horrible sins and leave us no way to uproot them from our own souls. The psychology of Christian Mysticism … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged ANE, bureaucracy, moral discernment, mysticism, psychology, Satan, The Cult, torture
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Satan and the Fall
We see “the Serpent” in Genesis 3, and it’s just a poetic term for Satan. The Hebrew word for “snake” is nakawsh (naw-kawsh) — doesn’t that sound like a snake? Say it drawing out the last syllable for dramatic emphasis. … Continue reading
The Mystery of Condemnation
Two different realms, two entirely different worlds that are never more than a step away from each other are Penitence and Condemnation. For all the sorrow of the latter, it seems not many people escape it. This is your surprise … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged ANE, culture, divine revelation, gospel, heart-mind, mysticism, oppression, religion, Satan, western intellectual heritage, Western mythology
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Divine Tactics
If your conscious focus is not in the heart-mind, none of this will make any sense at all. In the previous post, I left you with the understanding that Zionism does its work in darkness. If Zionists act in full … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged civilization, epistemology, heart-mind, mysticism, propaganda, religion, Satan, spirituality, The Cult, western intellectual heritage
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Otherworldly Messiah
I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So the life I now live in the body, I live because of the faithfulness of the Son of God, who … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged Anglo-Saxon, christian mysticism, civilization, culture, Jesus reinforced Moses, mortality, mysticism, politics, propaganda, Satan, scripture, spirituality
1 Comment
The issue of forgiveness has long been pickled in lies. Western Christians struggle against the unconscious Anglo-Saxon world view, the dreary world of Beowulf. All the attempts to brighten things with affirmations and positive celebrations still reflects the merriment of … Continue reading
Posted in religion
Tagged ANE, Anglo-Saxon, Beowulf, mysticism, psychology, Satan, scripture, spirituality, theology, Western Christian mythology, western christianity
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