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Tag Archives: software
Avoid Bleachbit
I had a lovely long bike ride today and pictures. I was processing them on my Vista laptop, and Bleachbit activated itself out of nowhere and deleted my entire photography collection. All of them. Every. Last. One. It doesn’t just … Continue reading
Virtual War 2
It’s the nature of our shared faith. On the one hand, our heart-led path is very narrow, steep and rough. Precious few are those who walk with us. On the other hand, we so desperately need each other because no … Continue reading
Posted in computers
Tagged communion, internet, linux, networking technology, Political activism, software, virtual parish, windows
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Within Reach
Spammers never learn. Every day in my blog comments here I get at least one spam comment for some facial serum sold on Amazon, sometimes two or three times. I also get at least once each week something telling me … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged computer technology, education, internet, linux, networking technology, psychology, software, technology
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Installing Linux Mint (Updated)
This is not a thorough and detailed explanation. Maybe I’ll write that book in the near future, but I wanted to offer a quick outline of things you should expect should you decide to sample Mint. Download your choice of … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged computer ministry, computers, Free and Open Source Software, linux, Linux Mint, software, windows
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Desktop CompSec Update (End of 2015)
You have to understand that computer security (CompSec) is a moving target. Every day something new appears to threaten our control over our systems and our sanity. As always, we need to keep in mind that the primary issue is … Continue reading
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Tagged browsers, compsec, computers, software, technology
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Browser Extensions that Steal Your Privacy
Some browser extensions for Google Chrome and Firefox allow outside parties to track you indirectly. The extensions themselves are passing this information without informing you properly. Yes, they obey some obscure rules, but how many uses know those rules and … Continue reading
Posted in computers
Tagged browsers, compsec, online privacy and security, software, targeted advertising, technology
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Testing Grounds Here
Your virtual pastor bears a shepherd’s compassion for computer stuff, of course. This is how we commune, so we have to make it as effective as we can, and that means helping people keep their computers healthy and secure. I’m … Continue reading
Outline: KDE on Debian 8
This is just an outline, not a full detailed explanation. I still consider XFCE the best desktop, but it is quite demanding on users migrating from Windows if you don’t have an acquaintance with the Unix approach to computers. KDE … Continue reading
Posted in computers
Tagged debian, internet, kde desktop, linux, software, technology
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Admin: Alpine Multiple Accounts
Linux nerd alert: When I closed the static website, I knew there would be some loose ends. One is that folks keep coming here looking for links to a tutorial I had on setting up multiple accounts on Alpine, a … Continue reading
More Browser Wars: Slimjet
It appears that FlashPeak is making serious progress with their SlimJet browser. This is the first time I’ve seen it work this well on Linux. I’m running Debian 8 (amd64) and I’ve tried both SlimJet and SlimBoat in the past … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged browsers, Chrome, compsec, computers, debian, Google Chrome, Google Chrome Extension Store, internet, linux, software, windows
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