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Tag Archives: survival
Islam Is No Threat
I’m taking a moral stand. I run into this every day, it seems. It’s bad enough that I can’t escape the noise of liars in the mainstream press, and in some of the alternative press. But I keep bumping into … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged government, Islam, mysticism, propaganda, religion, spirituality, survival, war, western civilization
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Oak Songs
The oak trees call out; they sing in the wind. They know my name and talk to me. As you might expect, they first tell me of the glory of the Lord. Then they tell me of pain and strength. … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged divine mercy, mission, mysticism, oak trees, oppression, pastoral ministry, peace, spirituality, survival, tribulation
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Why Things Are So Messy
The heart is more than a mere sensory organ. It is the seat of the will. In theory, it is the place where the executive should reside, but precious few humans have an active wisdom in their hearts. They don’t … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged divine justice, divine revelation, government, heart, law, Law Covenants, prophecy, scripture, survival
Alien Gateway
Dr. King had almost forgotten her meal, but took another bite while she considered things. Then, “A lot of people are disappointed with mainstream religion these days. Tell me how you came this epiphany, if I can call it that.” … Continue reading
Posted in fiction
Tagged clinical depression, community, internet, mysticism, psychology, survival
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Alien Dimension
Her faced showed a hint of incredulity. Dr. King pivoted her head just a bit to the right while keeping eye contact, the bare beginning of a frown creasing her brow. “Trans-dimensional” she repeated slowly, as if testing how it … Continue reading
Posted in fiction
Tagged mysticism, plane of existence, psychology, religion, spirituality, survival
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Alien Defense
The generator was running smoothly again. It took him the next two days, with some help, to roll the giant fuel bladder close enough to feed the generators. Barring any disasters, it was enough diesel for at least a week … Continue reading
Alien at Town Hall
Sadler didn’t appear any different. It was his actions that set him apart. Not exactly abandoned out in the northern wastes, they weren’t leaving any time soon. The troop formations pursued the enemy, the battle lines had moved rapidly miles … Continue reading
Arrows in the Quiver
Can I suggest you take a look at this? To summarize for you, it concerns a report coming down from Department of Homeland Security distributed to various law enforcement agencies across the US. DHS is attempting to create a climate … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged Bunkerville, civilization, Department of Homeland Security, government, law enforcement agencies, mysticism, oppression, propaganda, resistance, survival
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The Pastoral Narrative
I haven’t seen it all. What I have experienced forms the burden of my pastoral communications. The shepherd’s call is to tell what you know, as best you know how to tell it, so that others can catch a moment … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged conspiracies, conspiracy theories, global government, government, government conspiracies, oppression, propaganda, resistance, scripture, spirituality, survival
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