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Tag Archives: theology
Not Green
My favorite color is orange. While I’m like most humans with an aesthetic preference for blue (it has to do with the mechanics of vision in our eyes), I would rather wear orange. That’s because when I’m on my bike, … Continue reading
British Israelism
Theology class today. If you have never heard of this wild heresy, I find little to dispute with the description on Wikipedia. It’s all well and good to call it a heresy, but if you think about it, you realize … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged church history, heresy, materialism, The Cult, theology, western civilization
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A Sample of Dispie Folly
For those of you inclined to understand the madness of Dispensationalism from a safe distance, I wanted to share with you an outline of some primary features. This comes from a study offered at Jesus-Is-Lord: Dispensational theology centers upon the … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Dispensationalism, divine revelation, heresy, scripture, theology
Decision Disaster
People have alleged all kinds of silly, goofy stuff about Billy Graham. Granted, his children have waded through enough scandal, but aside from a few unguarded jokes, the man himself is untouched by noteworthy moral failures. That is, unless you … Continue reading
Meta-religion and the Reformation
We bother studying history and other social sciences so we can more intelligently recognize how we got where we are today, and contrast that against where God said we should be. We are then in a better position to plot … Continue reading
Posted in religion
Tagged Christian religion, church history, church politics, government, history, middle class, middle class culture, spirituality, The Reformation, theology
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What Are You?
Welcome to the real world with all the real people. Even without a formal doctrine of the Fall, we have no trouble seeing that humanity is broken. However, Scripture points out that this broken condition cannot be fixed on our … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged moral character, mysticism, oppression, peace, psychology, religion, social mythology, spirituality, theology, Western society
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The Stakes
With a certainty beyond certitude, I know that if I died right now, I would go to Heaven. However, to ask someone the question is a lousy pick-up line for evangelism. It’s also one of the dominant methods of evangelism … Continue reading
Posted in religion
Tagged Christian mythology, Christian religion, evangelism, philosophy, theology
Universalist Logic
Walk in the light you have. I’m not here to dictate orthodoxy for others; I can only relate to you what I’ve experienced. Theology as commonly done among Western Christians is wholly misleading because it pretends certitude here in this … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged divine revelation, moral consciousness, mysticism, old testament, theology, Two Realms, western christians
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