Tag Archives: Timothy

NT Doctrine — 2 Timothy 4

In the previous chapter, Paul referred to his otherworldly focus that carried him through persecutions. He belonged to Heaven, not this world. No human agency could take his life until the Lord was ready. Paul was eager to go, but … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — 2 Timothy 3

I’m convinced that Paul foresaw the West in some sense. I believe he and other apostles could discern the dark plans of Satan and his allies to create a culture that would pervert the gospel and mask his evil work. … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — 2 Timothy 2

Again, Paul is preparing Timothy to carry on without him. This is more of a pep-talk than actual instruction in something Timothy might not understand clearly. There’s a lot of work to do to make Ephesus ready to absorb the … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — 2 Timothy 1

Reminder: This is probably the last of Paul’s writings chronologically. Again, Timothy is in Ephesus as the resident Apostle. Any day now a large number of folks from Jerusalem will come streaming into the area, fleeing a Jewish rebellion in … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — 1 Timothy 6

Again, Paul wrote this letter to Timothy while the latter was serving in Ephesus, helping to establish the presence of Christian faith as no threat, contrary to false claims of Demetrius the silversmith some years before. The city would soon … Continue reading

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Conviction versus Doctrine

Following the Bible Lesson passage in 1 Timothy 4, some good questions came up. In the early chapters of Genesis we have the story of Noah. One detail has confused people. On the one hand, Noah had to take seven … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — 1 Timothy 4

There is a unifying theme in this chapter: We do not accomplish a spiritual mission by worldly means. Holiness is not a quality of this world, but something beyond this level of existence that can only be indicated, symbolized, and … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — 1 Timothy 3

The Old Testament priesthood and social elders had requirements in the Law of Moses. They were expected to meet certain qualifications and to maintain standards. They were just ordinary men, but in extraordinary roles. This was carried forward into the … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — 1 Timothy 2

Western minds do not understand the boundaries between the Spirit Realm and our fallen existence here in the flesh. They do not understand how those two realms connect. Evangelicals will choke on this: The current chapter refers to this life … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — 1 Timothy 1

After Paul was released from house arrest in Rome, he had promises to keep by first visiting the churches in Macedonia. He wrote this letter to Timothy from there. But while he and Timothy longed to see each other, there … Continue reading

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