Tag Archives: tribulation

Don’t Count on It

Context: I surrendered to the gospel ministry as a teenager. Then, I attended college (Oklahoma Baptist University) to study and train for it. I never made it to seminary, though I never stopped trying to study on that level on … Continue reading

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Our Great Commission

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the … Continue reading

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And We Ain’t

Israel was taken into exile because of idolatry. Granted, part of the problem was how very similar the rituals of Temple worship were to those for the various Baals. In the mind of too many Israelis, it was a case … Continue reading

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What’s Going On 07

This morning I awoke to the sense of sorrow and loss — not my own, but a general concern for the world around me. By the time I went out to pick up trash, one of the vehicles in our … Continue reading

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They Could, But Won’t

Judah didn’t have to face exile in Babylon. Even after all their many failures, slipping into idolatry, they could have settled into their punishment at God’s hand by serving Babylon quietly. Jeremiah said as much, but the Judean leadership kept … Continue reading

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Here We Go

By now my regular readers should understand that I have a renewed sense of calling. In particular, it’s an overwhelming sense that God has granted my request for one last mission adventure. What struck me so hard that day while … Continue reading

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Praying about Trump’s Administration

How should we pray? This is another “TL;DR” post. The answer requires pulling together many threads. The question is not sterile and precise; it’s organic. So is the answer. If you take the example of the Model Prayer (“the Our … Continue reading

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Dreams of Failure

What follows was yesterday’s message, but I just couldn’t quite get there until this morning. This is one of those times when I cite my personal example, not as proof of some principle, but to indicate something you might explore … Continue reading

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Virtual Fire

In the human soul, nothing can match the sheer joy and sense of relief that comes from having someone you can trust. Without that, we are dead people walking. It is inherent in God’s image of kinship and covenant. Our … Continue reading

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We’ve Got Work to Do

You need not take me seriously when I insist that reality has shifted. If your heart doesn’t verify it, don’t worry about it. You have to walk your own path. However, I need to explain where my head is so … Continue reading

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