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Tag Archives: virtual world
Leverage for Resistance
Someone has asked the question: Just what do I mean by saying I’ll defend the US Constitution? As you might expect, there’s a story behind that, and not everyone tells the same story. Short answer: It boils down to protecting … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged covenant, cynicism, globalism, history, information war, nationalism, shalom, virtual world
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War on Revelation 03
Feminists make such terrible mothers because they don’t recognize God’s boundaries. They insist they must mother and smother every human on earth, and never ever let go. Without their divine guidance, the whole world would end very quickly. They are … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged computer geek, economics, entertainment, feminism, gamergate, internet, social mythology, virtual world
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Keep Your Eyes Open
The global elite are about to lose their grip. It won’t happen all at once; it may not even be a total loss. Still, as more and more of what makes this world go, slips farther and farther into the … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged computer technology, government, networked communication, virtual world
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Fighting Babylon
This is in response to some offline questions. The Tower of Babel symbolizes a false religion used to oppress and to violate fundamental Biblical Law. The false religion was a form of astrology. The fundamental law transgression was an attempt … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Christian Zionists, globalism, imperialism, politics, prophecy, virtual world, war
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Virtual Redoubt
This is another one of those wild visionary rambles. You’ve been warned. The global economic system is in collapse. There’s turmoil and increasing social instability in our world, particularly in the Western countries. Some very powerful figures are provoking it … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged church, computer technology, internet, ministry, mission, virtual parish, virtual world
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Virtual Virtue
The previous post shares my vision of virtual pastoring under a mystical religion. Contrary to the mythology of Western intellectual bias, this religion is intensely practical. It has to be; while anyone can absorb the teachings, the communion depends entirely … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged computers, internet, meat space, religion, technology, virtual space, virtual world
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Virtual Morals
If you can understand the virtual world, then quantum moral reasoning is not such a big leap. Most people do not recognize the huge difference between meat space and online. They keep trying to apply their meat-space expectations to the … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged compsec, internet, military, moral perception, resistance, survival, virtual world
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I’m Tech Support
This is an exercise in mirror reading. There is no social group for me. I’m an alien in virtually every human context, in part because I am “not of this world” (Romans 12:2) — Even among my fellow Christians, I … Continue reading
Posted in personal
Tagged epistemology, ministry, mission, mysticism, philosophy, psychology, social context, spirituality, tech support, technology, virtual world
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