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Tag Archives: Vox Day
Sorry, He Doesn’t Follow Christ
I have a burden on my heart: Bad times are coming, and will include a large number of threats we cannot imagine. I want God’s people to come through this with power and glory. I pray that people who call … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged Covenant of Christ, lordship of Christ, pastoral ministry, SSH, tribulation, Unseen Realm, Vox Day, worldliness
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Cancerous Spite
Kiln of the Soul parish is a covenant community. The Covenant of Christ is everything, and we assert that you cannot fully grasp the Covenant without embracing a Hebraic mental approach. It’s not enough to simply be aware of Christ’s … Continue reading
Posted in prophecy
Tagged christian mysticism, game, heart-led, Hebrew Mysticism, human intellect, prophecy, self denial, shepherd role, the Cross, Vox Day, worldliness