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Tag Archives: western christianity
Reviewing Daniel’s Statue
Review the prophet’s vision of the statue in Daniel 2. As with any proper parable, the image has meaning that branches out into all directions. It bears applications of divine wisdom to far more than one element in human existence, … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged ancient Greece and Rome, babylonian empire, hebrew culture, Hellenism, Persian Empire, Prophet Daniel, scripture, western christianity
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No Apology; Nobody Listening
There’s a lot of noise about defending Western Civilization as Christian. It’s not Christian, of course, but Western Civ has provided the platform for hijacking the label “Christian.” None of these scholars defending Western Civ wants to explain how a … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Biblical Mysticism, gospel, Hellenism, prophecy, western christianity, western civilization
Eternal Outsiders
We of Radix Fidem and the heart-led way do not see ourselves as a nation or tribe among others on this earth. Rather, we are a tribe and nation on a totally different level. Our tribal communion is in the … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged government, Islam, Judaism, mysticism, oppression, otherworldly, politics, psychology, religion, western christianity
I Cannot Avoid It
I believe you need to see how this works, to see the questions and inner struggle to discern the wisdom of God. We have such a long way to go in many areas of our shared faith, and this struggle … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged church politics, economics, heart-led, Modern Israel, politics, prophecy, western christianity
A Law of Love and Fellowship
On an academic basis, I consider this study of American cultural boundaries useful. Part of my approval rests on establishing the clear difference between the Puritan Pilgrims (Puritan WASPs) and other Northern Europeans (non-Puritan WASPs). The author helpfully goes on … Continue reading
Posted in social sciences
Tagged government, history, oppression, radix fidem, western christianity
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Tolkien’s Bad Mythology
As a younger man, I was captivated by The Lord of the Rings and the fantasy world of Tolkien. The author began his work prior to WW1, but the bulk of it was published around the time I was born … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged fiction, moral perception, mythology, Tolkien, western christianity
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The Path of Resistance
Without a shred of doubt or shame, I assert that there is no God but Jehovah. He is the Creator and Lord of all things. Further, the only accurate portrayal of Him comes through the Bible. The people and culture … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Biblical Law, christian mysticism, civilizations, history, human institutions, mainstream churches, pagan religions, politics, western christianity
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Cultural Christianity Will Die
Mr. T asked a very good question on the previous post. Good questions always open a line of thought I had not previously pursued, but which my heart already knows how to answer. Based on what his question drew out … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged civilizations, culture, faith, faith community, religion, western christianity
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