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Tag Archives: western civilization
A Proverb for Today
Speaking of proverbs… Context: The religion we teach here is non-Western. You knew that, right? To Westerners, that reads as “anti-Western” so I often use that term for the sake of “honesty” as Westerners view things. So, for example, we … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged civilization, culture, epistemology, faith in God, moral consciousness, mysticism, nature, spirituality, western civilization
Islam Is No Threat
I’m taking a moral stand. I run into this every day, it seems. It’s bad enough that I can’t escape the noise of liars in the mainstream press, and in some of the alternative press. But I keep bumping into … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged government, Islam, mysticism, propaganda, religion, spirituality, survival, war, western civilization
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Network Civ: Games and Game
It doesn’t matter what you believe is morally right if you aren’t using it as the power to face reality. Your moral understanding has to account for reality in the first place. I agree with Dr. Helen’s analysis, as far … Continue reading
Posted in social sciences
Tagged mythology, Network Civilization, propaganda, psychology, society, western civilization
Tools of the Heart
It does make a difference, but it’s not paramount. There is a sense in which human awareness is the primary field of operations for what God does in this world. Yet, human intellect is not what sets us apart from … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged Adam, civilization, education, human intellect, mysticism, psychology, spirituality, western civilization
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A Little Scholarship, Please — Part 1
Most people have no clue. When I rant a rave about the difference between our perverted Western Civilization against that of the Ancient Hebrew, I’m pointing to a really huge shift in thinking. I struggle to get that across, despite … Continue reading
Death and Hell Stalking Us
Maybe it’s not so different in substance; maybe this is just the veneer peeling away. Western Civilization is especially bad about forgetting the past in the sense that we have no ability to transmit from generation to generation what it … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged culture, mortality, oppression, propaganda, prophecy, scripture, war, western civilization
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Program Notes: Aristotelian Thought
If you are born in any English-speaking country, you have a Western bias; you are part of Western Civilization. To be Western in any degree includes being Aristotelian. Indeed, it’s true to varying degrees in almost all of Europe and … Continue reading
Posted in social sciences
Tagged civilization, culture, epistemology, history, mysticism, philosophy, religion, scripture, western bias, western civilization
Alien ID
(Okay, so this story has some legs, yet.) It wouldn’t matter where he met with her. Most of the refugee contract civilians had gathered in the camp from various sites across the huge valley and surrounding ridges because this was … Continue reading
Posted in fiction
Tagged civilization, culture, history, liberal arts education, western civilization
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