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Tag Archives: western civilization
Boundaries and Fences
A critical failure in Western Christianity is the impossible moral climate. I want you to notice this huge, tall mountain of social expectation. Because you claim Christ as your Lord in a Western context, you are saddled with a massive … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Biblical Law, church, clergy, feudalism, heart-led, Two Witnesses, western civilization
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It’s a Networked World
The core of the geek community is rabidly hostile to anything that smacks of censorship, and militantly favors radical free expression. Their influence is not always recognized by the broader consumer public. These two groups overlap some, but it’s hard … Continue reading
Posted in social sciences
Tagged business, computer geek, corporations, ddd, moral imperatives, Networked Civilization, western civilization
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No Apology; Nobody Listening
There’s a lot of noise about defending Western Civilization as Christian. It’s not Christian, of course, but Western Civ has provided the platform for hijacking the label “Christian.” None of these scholars defending Western Civ wants to explain how a … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Biblical Mysticism, gospel, Hellenism, prophecy, western christianity, western civilization
Draper Point 7
Point 7 isn’t much to look at. The terrain around it is much more interesting. This arm of land jutting out into the northwest corner of Draper Lake contains the canyon, and the ridge hosts several lovely features, like that … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged child trafficking, cycling, human sexuality, law, photography, psychology, western civilization
No Good Politics
In response to a query… I should have thought this was obvious by now: Jesus was neither conservative nor liberal in the context of His own day. In both religious and political terms, the Pharisees were the dominant conservatives. The … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged Bible History, Biblical Law, Hellenism, pagan mythology, Pharisaism, politics, western civilization
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Strapped in for a Wild Ride
If you go by the news reports, you would think that a fresh wave of madness has spread across the US. But it is only confirmed by the reporting of local events. Indeed, right here in my own neighborhood it … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged epistemology, heart-led, marriage, peace, scientism, social mythology, western civilization
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We Are Alien Invaders
Jesus made multiple references to His Kingdom as “not of this world.” Here’s a partial list: John 8:21-25; 14:28-30; and 18:34-38. His disciples filled the New Testament letters with even more such references. His true Kingdom has always been rooted … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged Biblical Law, government, history, Israel, materialism, military, oppression, tribal society, war, western civilization
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Substance Abuse and the Idolatry of Beowulf
The so-called War on Drug Abuse is immoral for a lot of reasons. What can we say from an approach to the question based on Biblical Law? Remember one basic principle: Any law is evil if there is no reasonable … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged Biblical Law, christian mysticism, heart-led, Holy Drug Warriors, idolatry, law, religion, western civilization
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Playful Kitties are Better
The hard core gamer walk-throughs presented on YouTube are instructive. Back in my youth, I was a serious fanatic of Science Fiction. I could get lost in novels and short story anthologies for days at a time. I bought a … Continue reading
Posted in personal
Tagged entertainment, fallout series, moral truth, western civilization
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