Good Trails, Bad Path

The trail is progressing, but I’m in a slow stretch with lots of vines and dead-fall. Still, it rides well so far, so I’m confident it will turn out well.

A lot of other things are not going so well. I wonder how many people realize Hillary Clinton is constitutionally illegible for Sec. of State? No Senator or Rep. can vote a raise for an office, then take that office. She voted to give the Cabinet positions a raise during her current term as Senator. But then, it’s looking more and more like Obama was never a US citizen in the first place. Nor is he yet entitled to be called “President Elect” since the Electoral College hasn’t met yet.

But then Bush ignores the Constitution when it suits him, too. Congress restored the laws regarding Posse Comitatus, but Bush simply issued a signing statement to the effect he refused to bound by that. He may yet still be planning to use the troops against the citizens of the US, and will certainly hand that off to the new team.

How many of you remember that 60 Minutes report on the “Millennials”? There are plenty of fine people in that age group, but way too many of them are suffering a bad case of unearned self-esteem. What will happen when these folks find out there is no money for mommy to keep their iPods filled with music, their cellphones texting, and they may be lucky to eat? Mr. Rogers isn’t going to able to rebuild their shattered self-esteem when they have to sleep in a wretched homeless shelter and can’t even watch reruns.

Oh, wait! They can join the herds enlisting for military service because there aren’t any other jobs. These days it won’t be a tough round of Boot Camp or Basic Training so much as the increasing probability of sexual assault. Their leaders in the field may be competent, but the generals are all MBAs and CPAs with not an ounce of real leadership talent. Thus, the Millennials get sorry equipment, stupid missions, and everyone without the same uniform will hate them. Oh my! What will that do for their inflated self-esteem? Meanwhile, those who survive the meat-grinder will come home quite willing to kill their fellow citizens.

Well, perhaps the next generation won’t survive long enough to become so stupid. You see, all that melamine killing the Chinese babies is in almost all US brands of baby formula. And you should know the FDA is run by the very companies they are supposed to regulate, so no one should be surprised they decided contrary to all evidence to reverse their previous position regarding melamine. Used to be they said no amount was safe, but now it’s okay to have… oh, whatever level is just above the amount found in US baby formula. Yeah, that’s it.

I may be a lot safer wandering off down one of my trails and covering my tracks behind me.

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