Israel and Gaza: Just a Sideshow

My time in the limelight has faded; the tools here on this blog indicate very few visits the last couple of days. I’ve had my 15 minutes it appears, and only a precious few friends are likely to read this. It never mattered in the first place, because this blog is nothing more than my what the subheading says it is: “brain spew not fit to publish elsewhere.” For me, the Linux articles which got all the hits weren’t really central to my efforts here. People who think of me as Linux blogger don’t know me.

The business with Israel attacking Gaza was similar: It’s not what it appears to be. First, it’s very easy to prove Israel violated the cease-fire first. All Hamas ever really demanded from Israel was to remove the blockade. It’s also easy to prove Israel created Hamas as a foil to the PLO. When Hamas won a fair election, it ruined some big plans. So Israel has made themselves odious to most of the human race, and things will change. But it won’t really change what matters most.

While we are all distracted about something which is truly horrific there in the Levant, even worse things are taking place in the background. It’s more than the profits made by war materiel suppliers, though that is certainly a central issue. These people are supplying both sides of almost every war in every part of the world. War is their primary business, and business is booming for them. While it’s wholly unlikely Israel will fall as a nation, it wouldn’t matter to these people who make money from wars. They created Israel, but not for the ostensible purpose of giving back to all the world’s Jews, nor even the Holocaust survivors, their ancient homeland. The purpose was to keep attention away from efforts to centralize control over the whole world.

Not every nation today is on the same banking grid. Very big chunks of human economic activity are outside the grasp of these people. Several of the Islamic nations of the Middle East are off that grid. Some South American nations are threatening to pull off it. While the near-global economic crash is having the desired effect where it holds, those nations off the grid are relatively safe. What no one seems to realize is this is what every nation should want for themselves. Globalism may look nice, with its presumed efficiency of resource use, so-called free trade, and free access by all people to all places, that’s not the way it will turn out. Those things are being sold so the mega-bankers can gain control over every particle of human activity.

By having a nation without such wide open boundaries, problems in one place won’t affect another so much. That economic problems are inevitable is mostly ignored. These things come in cycles, and all the efforts to minimize the cycles, to dampen the natural waves, only make things worse, only increase human misery. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying, and probably knows they are lying. Humans were designed by God to remain in discrete nations, and inside each of those are supposed to be smaller, tribal governments, clan governments, etc., down to the extended household. Actual civil governments have only one purpose: Defense and some limited coordination to mediate disputes. Civil government control of any degree is simply evil at that level. Social issues were meant to be resolved within the small society where they appear. Every effort to walk away from this model is doomed to failure, sooner or later. Brilliant theories to the contrary are just a delusion.

There have been previous efforts in human history to gain a truly worldwide governmental control, but it always failed when time ran out. The natural cycle of empires is fairly routine in human history. This time around, it may actually come pretty close before it collapses. Previous collapses meant truly grand loss of life. Because the scope of this current effort is so very large, the collapse will bring death on a scale undreamed of so far. Stalin’s 10 million will look small by comparison. Israel’s ugly little slaughter in Gaza, the US slaughters in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Pakistan, are just getting warmed up. Next up: Iran, Syria and another round for Lebanon. Except, somewhere in there, a lot more US troops are going to die.

That’s where the money is, death and destruction. Money is the the current means of control, and as long as we don’t see that, we are simply headed for a day darker than at any time in human history so far.*

*Note: The term “history” refers to events recorded, not events we believe came before good records were kept. The Fall and Babylon I were pre-history.

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