Great Ride in the Snow

There are good rides, and I have plenty of them. Most of my 10-milers into town are good, the rest are pretty decent. Only a couple in the four months so far have been very unpleasant.

Then there are great rides. Here in Central Oklahoma we got only a little of the ice, and lots of sleet and snow, from a wet warm front blowing up off the Gulf and dropping all its juice down through a cold front lying heavy upon the ground. Today my elderly friended called and needed to get out to a few stores, having hibernated through this nasty weather. When I left the house, it wasn’t quite warm enough for serious melting. I got to ride over lots of packed, clean snow on my mountain bike.

That was utterly delightful. Then I got to hop of few plow drifts which had been dropped on the off-street paths set aside for bikes and such. I wonder of any of these Okies know that’s a violation of the ADA? Nah. Most Okies don’t care about such things. For me, it was just another way to test my skills, jumping ice mounds.

Coming home was a different matter. It was nearly 60°F and slush, run-off and lots of other nastiness plagued me. It could have been worse, but not by much. Still, today ranks up there with one of just a few memorable rides. Snow in Oklahoma!

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