CRC Coming to America?

The UN Convention on Rights of the Child (CRC) — Let’s think about that for a moment. I’ll be the first to note WorldNetDaily is loaded with hyperbole, and the editors take themselves too seriously. Still, this is hardly news. Communists and other government-is-god types have long known the most terrifying and humiliating thing for any human is loss of parental rights. That’s why they press the issue.

This has nothing to do with “think of the children.” People who consider the best interests of children could easily find a better way to implement protections for them. Instead, at every step of the way, getting between parents and their children, government has consistently taken the worst possible route. No, that’s not hyperbole, that’s the judgment of God. Check His Book. We know government bureaucrats don’t care what God has to say, but that’s another issue. Any government which rejects the advice of the Book is by definition illegitimate.

But let’s take a look at how this is likely to play out in reality. So far, we have a long record of various state iterations of Family Services doing the worst thing. No, not in every case, but all too often. The reason is the system itself is just a big pile of doo-doo. It is not possible for a bureaucracy to do anything right, and the more things revolve around very real human uniqueness, the worse it gets. Consider this: Child Welfare agencies always hire the worst people. Good people do not apply for such jobs. Good people don’t want to interfere with internal family matters. There is already plenty of laws on the books for arresting parents for outright assault, and for serious neglect. Everything else is simply nobody else’s business.

That families tend to resist outside interference is simply a fact of life. Kids are notorious for lying and exaggerating in the first place (at least in the US), so if they don’t want to tell on mom and dad, too bad. It is guaranteed you cannot possibly come up with reliable a method for bypassing that. I say that from the background of one trained as both a cop and a family counselor. Yes, I am an expert, at least as expert as any government thug I’ve ever met or heard or about.

They are thugs in the sense they have no sense of proportion. This is not merely anecdotal evidence, but piles and piles of studies done by academic researchers and other experts. Study after study shows the flaws in the systems, and the systems never change. Such agencies still attract a very high percentage of people who truly enjoy squashing other people. They still establish brain-dead policies and hire the worst idiots in town, often from the welfare rolls. They even hire the parents they’ve prosecuted. Once such people are on staff, they are gods, itching to dole out even worse treatment to everyone else in the world. No other agency under heaven is permitted to second-guess; they close ranks against God Himself.

These are the people, and these are the agencies which will enforce the CRC.

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