Trail Update: Surprise

After we broke the trail out through the third section of woods, I found I had missed my target. We were just a few dozen yards from the western property line, which apparently isn’t a straight line. We have been zig-zagging a lot, but mostly heading somewhat east of straight north. So the open section left by the bulldozers coming down from the north end just off that western line made a last-minute turn west. Thus, my trail crosses north over the end of that open strip.

We’ll continue into this tiny section of woods. I’ll have to survey again to see how it lays up at the north end where the bulldozers cut deep into the sandstone hillside. I may just run the trail up on top of that ridge and come around the east side.

At any rate, we are making fast progress for now because the underbrush and limbs just aren’t that thick.

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