Can the US Economy Be Fixed?

In a word, NO.

I’ve already explained previously the fundamental nature of economic activity within a community. I also explained when you centralize the controls and the ownership of economic activity, you destroy it. If you operate from a fiat currency, it is only a matter of time before it crashes hard. I also said I am utterly certain this was planned by high-level international bankers.

A friend of mine asked what the government might do in the short term. The answer is “nothing.” Yes, we know people will probably starve, crime will soar, violence in particular. It’s too late to stop that; it’s going to happen anyway. The only difference the government can make now is simply stop and dissolve itself as quickly as possible so individual states can address the problem, themselves devolving controls down to the lowest level.

The only correction possible is to rebuild the local economy of each community. That means start from scratch. Yes, that would be painful, but this idiotic bailout stuff will only prolong the agony, and it will guarantee more people dying from starvation than if it simply stopped now. In a sense, the federal government has already signed a million death warrants, or more. It did so by choosing to hide the problem, by deficit spending, by not closing down The Fed and by not returning to the gold standard.

This wasn’t simply an economic decision to bring wealth and prosperity, it was a decision to grab a bunch of it on the front side and leave nothing for the end. Even before the creation of the Federal Reserve, economists warned it was handing the bankers a sword to kill us. There is a natural cycle to economies based on fiat currencies and we are at the end of ours. Too much too soon means building a habit of conglomeration, and that cannot but be deadly. Having huge multinational corporations could never have worked without eventually enslaving millions and starving them to death. That is inherent in the system.

So within a year or so, the incredibly wealthy will still be incredibly wealthy, while the vast bulk of the human population in the world will starve, succumb to diseases, face social breakdown and chaos, etc. This is what happens when wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few. That stuff about a growing economy lifting all boats is only true when it grows off savings, at a natural pace, not off mass credit. Fiat currency fundamentally is mass credit. Credit guarantees wealth will not lift all boats for very long. The commoners are hitting bottom now.

Update: A little support for my contention.

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