Economic Hysteria All Around

On the one side are voices from within our official government pretending all this economic trouble can be fixed. They are lying. Our economy won’t recover via the route they are taking. At the same time, they are allowing to slip out stories tell us how very bad it really is. That’s so they can scare us into following their lead.

On the other side are activists warning how this will all dissolve into chaos. It will, but not in every place. Some metropolitan areas will experience rioting once the welfare system starts to falter. Also, the instability across our southern border has already begun to bleed across to our side, and it will surely get worse. However, for most of the land area of the US, it’s not the end of life as we know it.

Yes, I’ve stocked up on things, but they are a select group of things currently available only as imports. That is, those things we don’t make here, and haven’t for quite some time: toiletries, various cleaning supplies, nutritional supplements, certain food items, most electronic devices and related supplies, and any consumable paper item. We also have tried to gather human-powered versions of things we consider important to our lifestyle: bicycles, hand tools, kitchen implements, plus alternative cooking and heating equipment.

We do this because there will be a transition period when imports will disappear, and local production won’t replace it for a while. But eventually it will. At some point folks are going to realize they won’t get their jobs back, and they’ll have to find something they can do or sell. They’ll probably try to match what’s demanded most as previous supplies run out. Manufacturing will return here. I suspect most public utilities will stay around, some with reduced services. On the other side of this mess, you’ll see a return of the small independents.

Prices relative to income will go back up where they should realistically be. Our recent decades of relative wealth were phony, and we’ll find out the real cost of living and purchase accordingly. At least, it could happen this way, if we make it so. This may all come on the wings of a new currency, but it will surely not come as long as we allow the folks in Washington, DC, to decide things for us. Let’s face it: They would trade your life for a rat’s hind quarters in a second.

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