Archives: Porn Is Not Harmless

Among the articles discussing the current round of attempts to place over the world a single governing entity I ran across a timely reminder of cultural degradation. This shows up as a tactic in various plans, including the communists, the Fabians, and several other, murkier groups. Porn is always a major feature in the effort to enslave the people. In a world against God, any false god will do. It bears relinking the study by my friend, Eduardo On Porn. He examined all the various popular condemnations, but nails the issued down spiritually as idolatry.

Not so long ago was a revelation by a former Playboy Bunny, describing Hugh Hefner’s descent into a parody of himself. So obsessed he is, he has to watch gay porn and overdose on Viagra just to pretend he’s still got it. The salient point made by many before me is this is the far end of the path, though few take so long to get there. My own work in marriage counseling bears this out. Keep pushing the envelope of visual stimulation and pretty soon you run out of room. You have to absorb increasingly degrading garbage to get that same fix.

In my text archive of saved stuff from the web, I bring you this article on Dr. Reisman’s site. She excerpts from the testimony before Congress describing just how it works, how the mind reacts to pornographic images.

Thanks to the latest advances in neuroscience, we now know that emotionally arousing images imprint and alter the brain, triggering an instant, involuntary, but lasting, biochemical memory trail.

This applies to so-called “soft-core” and “hard-core” pornography, which may, arguably, subvert the First Amendment by overriding the cognitive speech process.

Once our neurochemical pathways are established they are difficult or impossible to delete. Erotic images also commonly trigger the viewer’s “fight or flight” sex hormones producing intense arousal states that appear to fuse the conscious state of libidinous arousal with unconscious emotions of fear, shame, anger and hostility.

These media erotic fantasies become deeply imbedded, commonly coarsening, confusing, motivating and addicting many of those exposed.

How does this “brain sabotage” occur? Brain scientists tell us that “in 3/10 of a second a visual image passes from the eye through the brain, and whether or not one wants to, the brain is structurally changed and memories are created we literally ‘grow new brain’ with each visual experience.”

What she describes as calling up the “fight or flight” reflex is common in just about every substance abuse case I’ve seen, every sexual difficulty I’ve counseled, gambling, overeating, and just about every other deviant or criminal habit humans get themselves into in this world. It’s also highly visible in people who love ruling others. Some of the idiotic stuff proposed each week comes from people pushing the envelope to get the next fix, that next rush of power. When you examine it from the angle of neurotic human behavior patterns, it’s pretty much all the same.

I already have the habit, when reading online, I immediately put my hand over any image which reveals too much flesh. I then take advantage of Firefox’s built-in image-blocking feature and prevent the server from offering any more images. I really don’t care what the rest of the world thinks is okay, I will do all I can to avoid seeing something which awakens that demonic desire. I realize many sites are funded by ad revenue, and they don’t get to choose what appears. Fine. I reserve the right to protect my eyeballs from sleazy pitchmen. My computer, my browser, my power to block. Some sites are so bad, I always visit in Lynx. There may be other reasons for cutting out all but the text, but that’s a big one.

You are responsible for your own brain. Take care of it. Porn is not harmless.

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