It’s Tiring

No, not the trail work. It’s making progress, but I usually talk about it when there’s nothing else going on around here. Nor do I refer to the allergies or my workouts. Those things do make me tired, but I press on, faithful to what I see as my calling.

What makes me most tired is the relentless sabre rattling. It’s bad enough we have a president who continues slavishly fighting Israel’s wars for her, instead of protecting our own national interests. Worse, we have a pretty large bunch of folks around the US here spoiling for a fight locally. You know what I’m talking about: The Underground Patriot Movement. Some of them are paper tigers, and more than a few of the harshest ones are government agents, just as most of the really ugly KKK groups are fake, led by government agents. No, there are a large number of folks who talk together, but most of them will be working alone when they feel it comes time to actually start shooting.

Yes, they’ll shoot to kill and a bunch of cops, and probably some military troops acting as cops, will die. A few Patriots will, too. I rather think the Patriots will come out on the better end of the deal, since they aren’t going to let the oppressors pick the battlefield. Those who are truly a threat to our ever more fascist government aren’t going to let themselves be easily identified for easy round up before things go to martial law.

Martial law is coming, and riots, and blood in the streets — but as I said before, I seriously doubt it will be everywhere the same. This mess is being planned and folks with nothing to lose are pushing the levers to make all this happen. The dollar will be inflated like in Zimbabwe, government services will be cut off, yet police armament will increase. At the same time, all manner of efforts are being made to hem folks in so they can’t avoid revolting. Yes, it’s coming and it’s been planned all along.

But I get so tired of how quickly some of these folks play into the hands of those manipulators. These globalist leaders want a revolt, and it won’t much matter to them who wins, or what they win. Such unrest simply justifies the plans they made long ago. Breaking up the US would be fine, as would having the US become a baldly fascist dictatorship. Either way, their control will only increase, and their plans are multi-generational.

Just for the record, I expect parts of the US to remain under federal control, but some of the faces in that government will change. The rest will break up into regions and states, and some states will also be broken up. Every major city will be lucky to find much standing once this mess gets rolling. I half expect nukes or other weapons of mass destruction to be deployed here in the US. I honestly believe this nightmare is descending upon us right now, and could come as early as this summer, but surely not later than 2011. I don’t think anybody knows the timing.

What matters is I will do my darnedest to avoid getting involved in any warfare. I’m not a warrior. I’m a worker. I’m the guy who builds and fixes, not tears down and kills. God did not call me to be a fighter. It’s not that I won’t, but I don’t think I will. Nor is this simply a matter of my own safety where I live. For all I know, I could be anywhere tomorrow. What matters is the Kingdom of Heaven is not built on the dead bodies of her enemies, but on those of the saints.

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