Recommended Video: The Day the Dollar Falls

I’m watching the video series hosted on YouTube called, “The Day the Dollar Falls.” It was produced in 2005, based on what were then the assumptions regarding a plausible scenario: What happens over a 24 hour period if the US dollar collapses?

Since it can be hard to follow, I’m recommending you watch the series by visiting this page at Information Clearinghouse. There are six segments less than 10 minutes each, written and filmed in Dutch. Since I lived in the Netherlands for five years, it’s not too hard for me to follow most of it, but for your convenience there are English subtitles. Parts of it are in English anyway, but most Dutch people are used to American English, if for no other reason than a lot of their TV came from English speaking countries during my stay there.

I’m pretty impressed with the outline of the story. A very fundamental accusation against the US I find quite true: We consume far more than the rest of the world, often at their expense, by our unrestrained borrowing. I’ve found far, far too many Americans feel it’s their God given place to tread heavily on every other nation in the world.

Now that we are in the leading moments of a very deep and long-term depression, we have begun to realize we are not so invincible. Sadly, I believe we won’t learn much from this awful time.

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