Grass Fires: Paying Attention?

Today was a perfect day for grass fires in Oklahoma. We’ve had a long run of dry weather, and since this morning we’ve had severe high winds, easily gusting to 60 MPH. Just one minor spark and it’s all over the place. Indeed, just a short distance from my home is a fairly large one. The trailer park management has advised people to consider evacuating, but that’s for the panicky folks who always do that. Those of us with some experience working these things aren’t concerned just yet. The wind direction isn’t bringing it here; we are at greater risk from a new one starting upwind of us. The basic rule is: If you smell smoke, move out.

We have metaphorical grass fires across the US today. Our federal government is steadily rushing down the path of oppression and tyranny. In every direction, the changes aim to increase the discretion of bureaucrats over your daily life, in ways no one has business poking around to see, much less direct. Worse, our government is pushing hard into the business of folks in other countries, all without the least genuine interest in human need, nor our national interests, either.

I’m not one to panic and run when threats aren’t genuine. However, I’ve long been among those warning this could really get bad. It’s gotten so bad I’m tired of telling, and tired of even reading about it. At this point, if you don’t have a stock of food, some guns and ammo, and some form of silver or barter goods, it’s too late. The fire of tyranny will sweep away your life and you’ll be lucky if you survive as a slave. Naturally that fire will not burn the same in every part of the US, so you should know for yourself what’s in the wind. Do you smell smoke?

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