Trail: Off Limits

If it were simply the decision of some external authority, I might find a way around it. No, the trail is off limits for very concrete reasons.

I went for a run yesterday on the trail. I wore some standard athletic shorts made of nylon, I suppose in the style of basketball stuff. This was not a simple jog, but a moderately paced run. Shortly after I got home, a tick crawled across my leg.

These are big, reddish-brown deer ticks. They apparently don’t like me, because I’ve found several on me in the last month or so, after the weather here warmed up a bit while working in the woods. Not one has embedded in my skin, or I’d have felt it. However, that I got one on me while running indicates just how thick they are. This is one very bad year we are in, and they are thicker than mosquitoes over a stagnant pond.

If it were just getting one or two on me, that would be no big deal. But they hitch a ride home, where they can hide in the carpet or furniture. Then they’ll find other victims more to their liking. They’ll feed, and breed, and multiply and take over the house. Can’t have that.

So, with big sadness, I say goodbye to my trail until cold weather returns. The work isn’t exactly all wasted, but it’s certainly a diminished return on investment.

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