Paths to Tyranny

Someone very close to me took some FEMA courses a decade ago. They were stunned by the very obvious euphemisms for treating the population like cattle. While it did not figure large in the materials, there was an obvious assumption those taking the course were preparing to subvert rights and liberties, and by any means necessary, force the citizenry to obey FEMA edicts.

So now comes this bogus flu pandemic. There was a lot of panicky warnings from government sources, both in the US and in the larger international community. But for some strange reason, this thing is fizzling. Now, it doesn’t take much research to find that our government has cooperated with others to capture samples of various flu viruses. Indeed, they resurrected the 1918 killer flu bug, and have been playing with that and other strains in labs. Given our government has not been averse to secretly spraying test samples of chemicals and bacteria on the US population in the past, what’s to prevent them testing these new flu strains, which might be “weaponized”? And what’s to keep all this stuff under proper control, when we have seen quite a few deaths from “weaponized anthrax” which most certainly came from government labs, somehow?

So perhaps they did not actually release this stuff on purpose, but some samples did probably slip out of control. And our government bureaucrats, knowing how potent it was supposed to be, ramped up the warnings. But it failed. Or perhaps they knew it failed, but decided now was the time to test the public reaction. It’s not as if we don’t have a jillion crimes in high places from which they would love to divert our attention. Torture, anyone? Anyway, the flu fizzles, and continues to under-perform initial estimates. What has not underperformed is the flow of money to the labs which hold near-monopoly contracts. Big, government contracts, for which they no doubt lobbied hard and made big campaign contributions.

This is not about public health, but about money. At the same time, it’s just one more exercise to condition us and train the system. It’s one more path to tyranny… as if there aren’t enough already. It may well be those who are forced to mount an armed revolt against the rising police state will do so over the issue of attempts at mass roundups for forced inoculation of expensive stuff which has proved repeatedly to have zero therapeutic value, and is most certainly a bigger health threat than the flu it pretends to stop.

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