Back to Etch

It seems Lenny’s LXDE is broken enough to be unusable. I also had trouble discerning what sort of junk I could remove with the LXDE when I replaced it with IceWM. It wasn’t what I wanted, wasn’t what I needed to use. Just for fun, I tried AntiX, a branch of MEPIS. It ran okay, but there was some breakage there, too. I was really disappointed at how they had so jazzed up the themes for IceWM, they had completely taken away the vanilla stuff I liked. Though pulling the less rowdy themes from the source package worked, I couldn’t get the video portion of some WMV files to play. Had the codecs, had the support libs, had both Xine and Mplayer, but no video. Gave up.

I returned to Etch. The basic reason is always the same: It works better on my old Inspiron 4100. That’s hard to beat.

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