Last MWC Sweep

My sign is wearing quite well. I took it on one last run through Midwest City today. Got my beloved wife to drop me off near SE 29th Street and Douglas Boulevard at 7:15. Traveled north to Reno Avenue, west to Midwest Boulevard. Headed back south to SE 29th Street, west to Air Depot Boulevard. The final leg was north on Air Depot back to Reno again, about 8 miles total, 2 hrs 45 min.

The interesting thing was the stiff southerly gusting winds. From every angle, it was work to keep the sign upright and aligned. Got back the LBE harness I gave my son some years ago, and it made things a lot easier to carry. However, every time I wanted a drink, I had to stop and put the sign down. It required both hands to get the canteens out. I’ll need to rig my sport bottle to hang on the belt for easy access.

A couple of people yelled at me, but one was obvious foul language. A couple of guys working on the roof of a restaurant gave me a thumbs up. A few waves and smiles otherwise.

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