When the Time Comes to Dump the Lackeys

So we now see yet another UK government memo indicting the Iraq War. Let’s back off a bit and take a broader perspective.

I have long contended there are many ruling powers wearing no official title under any current government. That should surprise no one. If nothing else, we say people have influence in governments without officially serving in government offices — lobbyists, to name a much-reviled example. It stands to reason high officials would have advisers not listed as employees, so why not imagine a level of lobbyist above the nation? We have no trouble realizing a certain class of bankers and financiers who have no loyalty to any government anywhere, but only to themselves, and with massive financial resources able to buy out whole countries. You don’t have to be a propeller head to believe in a global government conspiracy. Every government is a conspiracy, by definition — a conspiracy to hold political power, exclusive from others who want it. Just because they follow the rules to get that control doesn’t make it any less a group conspiring to gain power. We need not allow popular idiocy to flavor the word “conspiracy” with its own idiocy.

But to save time and pin it down in the larger moral sense, I refer to this global ruling conspiracy as “Babylon” — taking a cue from the Apostle John’s Revelation. What matters is not their identity, but the spiritual nature of what they want, their motives. Yes, they are evil, but so is the bully down the street. It needs more; we have to give them a label which helps us predict their future behavior. I contend casting these “real rulers” as Babylon serves that purpose.

So given this story about Bush and Blair conspiring to start a war without any proper justification — as gauged by any standard except that of Babylon itself — perhaps it’s useful to wonder why the story is coming out just now. Occam’s Razor is pretty handy if you recognize its limits. Seems to me it’s getting time to throw Bush under the bus. Perhaps he’s not going quietly enough off into obscurity, or has angered Babylon in some way, or maybe he’s just no longer earning his keep. For one reason or another, Babylon finds it useful to dump him. Obviously, he’s not a member of Babylon itself.

Surely we can imagine other useful outcomes from their perspective. If Babylon can discredit selected portions of the US governing class, it will permit them to manipulate things a little closer to a more direct rule. I have no doubt Obama is the man who would willingly turn our nation over to a regional or global governing authority. John warned us that was the whole point of it all.

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